I am Tereza Jerabkova, currently working at the European Southern Observatory in Germany as an astronomer in the Observing Programmes office. Before this role, I served as a Research Fellow at the European Space Agency in the Netherlands. My academic journey led me to obtain my PhD from the University of Bonn in 2020. A significant part of my PhD years was spent at ESO through the studentship programme, and during the final year, I participated in the ERASMUS project. This project granted me the unique opportunity to spend a year at La Palma, gaining hands-on experience working with the GRATECAN/GTC telescope.
How did your career benefit from the ERASMUS project?
The ERASMUS project has significantly enriched my professional growth. It fostered my independence during the critical PhD years and opened doors to new collaborations at the IAC institute in Tenerife. A deeper immersion into large professional observatory operations and the experience of observing with a 10m telescope was invaluable. I firmly believe that these experiences played a pivotal role in securing my current position at ESO.
How did the ERASMUS program support your personal development?
On a personal level, the ERASMUS stint at La Palma was transformative. The unique setting, distinct from conventional science institutes, instilled in me a greater sense of independence. I honed my skills to delve deeper into issues before seeking guidance, and the interactions with La Palma students from various fields enriched my perspective. Beyond the academic realm, living on an island where English isn't commonly spoken offered immense cultural learning. A cherished personal takeaway is my beloved dog, a Podenco Canario, a breed native to the Canary Islands, inspired by my time there.
Can you share some experience from your ERASMUS exchange?
My ERASMUS experience at GRANTECAN was profound. While I had visited other significant observing facilities, GRANTECAN provided a holistic experience. It wasn’t just about following astronomers; it was about witnessing the behind-the-scenes operations, understanding the intricacies of instrumentations, and gaining insights into processes like filter exchanges, cooling fluid filling, and telescope focusing. This comprehensive exposure undoubtedly broadened my perspective on the field.